DHgate allows its users to upload pictures and reviews of their products. Depending on the seller, there may be 0 to 50 reviews. The dates of these reviews are also displayed. A recent positive review means a good product. If it is more than one month old, it is probably a good buy. If there are several negative reviews, the product might not be as advertised. The good news is that DHgate lets you open disputes in case you are dissatisfied with the product.
The DHgate app is free to download and will allow you to search for products from the app. You can browse photos and find all the details you need. You can also search for a particular item by name or by vendor. Generally, you will get results if the item is sold by a seller who has a good rating. In most cases, you can settle a dispute in five days or less. Moreover, you can check the ratings of vendors and the quality of their goods.
Buying on DHgate is easy and convenient. Usually, sellers are located in other countries and specialize in exporting Chinese-manufactured goods. Before purchasing a product, always ask the seller about the quality, shipping time, and returns. If you're unsure about something, don't hesitate to contact the seller and ask for more information. You might be pleasantly surprised at what you find! But just like any other online marketplace, DHgate can be a great place to buy inexpensive, quality products for your home.